Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Maclay Finals 2013 - A mom's perspective...

With three girls that have all competed/and currently competing in the ASPC Maclay, I believe this is our 8th or 9th Maclay finals.  This year Sarah, who is 17 and a Freshman at the University of Michigan and Lizzie, who is 16 and a Junior in High School both qualified.  I always thought it would've been great for all three girls to have done the finals at the same time but we've only ever had two at the same time!  

Thursday at 4:30pm, Lizzie and I picked Sarah up at UofM and headed to Lexington, Ky in the pouring rain!  I'm thankful it's just a 5 hour drive and the girls compete there a lot during the summer so this drive is really second nature to us!  Two-three Redbox movies do the trick!

Friday the girls rode and had a lesson from their trainer Aaron Vale.


Saturday morning at 5:30am the Maclay warm up class started.  In this class, the rider has 90 seconds to jump the jumps in the ring. Sarah was posted to go 3rd and Lizzie 141.  I looked at Aaron and said, "You'll get Sarah right?!!" 

This is how Saturday morning went:

Sarah was setting her alarm for 4am so I set mine for 4:15am - just to be sure... My alarm goes off at 4:15am and as I walk to the adjoining room, it's pitch dark.  Sarah's alarm didn't go off. Ok, not a tragedy but now I'm standing in the room waiting.... not sure for what but of course I can't go back to sleep because in my mind, she won't actually make it out the door.... (remember, she is in college and as far as I know, she does make it to her classes!) She leaves, I go back to bed.  Now it's 4:30am and my mind on the fact that I will have an hour and a half to sleep.  Lizzie needs to be there at 7am, setting my alarm for 6:15am.  Sarah comes back to the hotel, Aaron texts and says 7:30am for Lizzie.  I wake Lizzie up and she informs me that Aaron text her and said 7:45am.  I compare texts and the one he sent me was sent last so I'm certain we have to be there at 7:30am.  We arrive at the Horse Park at 7:30am.  Lizzie gets on, Aaron and I head to the Indoor only to find out we are 50 out.... that is over an hour away... we head back to the barn.  

I'm not certain what time we finished but Aaron said for the girls to be back around 1:30pm for another lesson.  We head back to the hotel to get some rest!

Back out at 1:30pm for lessons, watch some jumpers and head to Malone's for a wonderful steak dinner!

Sunday: The Maclay finals class started at 7am.  Lizzie is scheduled to go 8th and Sarah 146.  There were 148 riders in the class!  As we said, they might as well have been first and last!!  We had to be there at 6am for the 6:15am course walk.  

Lizzie ended up placing in the top 30 which was very exciting!!  Sarah had a really good round and didn't get called back to flat.  The heartache and excitement for both girls was a bit overwhelming.  So happy for one and so sad for the other.  This is the nature of the sport.  One of them does well, one doesn't, there are times they both do great in the same class, there are times they both bomb.  This is a very humbling sport and I know that life lessons happen at every show!

Sarah has one more year left of her Junior year and has said that she will most likely not do Equitation but do Hunters and Jumpers this next show season.  With being in college and trying to get the points needed for Indoors, she thinks she will close the Equitation door.  If she just wants to do Hunters and Jumpers, we will support her decision.  This needs to be fun so we will see how it plays out!

We will take the rest of November and December off and gear up for the 2014 show season!  


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Aaron Vale and Smartie $50k Kentucky Puissance

As we arrive in Lexington, Ky for Maclay finals, we also get to see Aaron do another Puissance on Smartie!  Smartie is Sarah's Jr Jumper and he passed the try outs once again to get the chance to jump an incredibly high wall!!

I thought I'd try and give Aaron some advice and tips before the class, this is the response I got.

Tonight was barn night and local barns came with banners, horns, costumes, you name it and made lots of noise in hopes of be the winner of a brand new Golf Cart!  They also really like Aaron and were not shy about showing it!!

They also won the Golf Cart!

In the end, even without my training tips (snicker!) Aaron and Smartie placed 2nd in the $50k Puissance!  The height of the first wall was 5'9", it then went to 6'3" and then to 6'9".  When it was just Aaron and Tim left, with the wall at 7', Tim and his amazing horse cleared the wall and Aaron and Smartie (who is no doubt just as fabulous at 6'9"!) did not clear 7'.  

Press conference after Puissance class!

Watch Aaron and Smartie's rounds!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Washington International Horse Show 2013

Stalls are in the streets!

Walking down the ramp to ride!
This was Lizzie's first time to qualify for Washington and she qualified in both Equitation and Jumpers!

The Washington DC show is such a fabulous show in the sense that it's located at the Verizon Center in downtown DC..... yes, horse stalls are set up in the streets of DC!  For one week, roads are blocked off and horses are trailered in from Prince George's Equestrian Center depending on when they show.  Just imagine for a minute semis of horses maneuvering the streets of DC!  To simply qualify for this show says a lot.  The Low Jr Jumpers took the top 23 riders.  The WIHS Equitation took the top 30 riders from the East and top 10 from the West.  It's very exciting to qualify for this show!

We flew into BWI Wednesday night and Lizzie was schooling her jumper at 11:30pm!  Her original schooling time was 3am but we were able to slip in early!  

Preparing to practice on the Equitation horse at
Prince George's Equestrian Center

Thursday was her first Low Jr Jumper Class and she had three rails down but rode great, Zadermus was great as well.  

Friday was Jr Jumper and the Hunter phase of the WIHS.  Lizzie was clear in the Speed class and ended up 6th in the Jr Jumpers!  The Hunter phase of WIHS didn't go as well.  Lizzie ended up with a score of 65 which was the average of the combined scores.  Call it "nerves", call it "making the first jump count" or just call it a bad round... it was disappointing for sure.

KC placing 6th in High Jr Jumper and
Lizzie placing 6th in Low Jr Jumpers!

Saturday was the Low Jr Jumper classic and the Jumper phase of WIHS.  Lizzie was the first to compete in the Jr Jumper classic.  Not really the spot you want to draw but you have no choice!  It's always nice to watch some rounds to see what others do.  Lizzie and Zadermus had two rails down but rode beautifully.  Both Lizzie and Aaron Vale, her trainer were pleased with how the jumpers went.  In the WIHS Jumper phase, they went in reverse order so Lizzie went 4th.  She received scores of 83 and 84 but had 3 time faults so her average score ended up being 80. They ribboned the top 10 of the class and Lizzie ended up 14th out of 40 riders.  Again, she and Aaron were both pleased with her round but knew there was no way for her to make the final cut.  That being said, it was an incredible experience and we look forward to next year and work hard to make the qualifying list!

Another exciting part of this show is the Friday night Puissance class!  Aaron rode Sarah's Jr Jumper Smartie and tied for 2nd place!  It was so much fun to watch them topping the wall at 6'6"!!  When it was raised to 6'11", Smartie decided that was more than he wanted to jump!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lizzie and Zadermus

Lizzie and Zadermus
Low Jr Jumper Classic
4th out of 38

To say that I'm crazy about these two is an understatement!  I've loved seeing how Lizzie and Z have grown and bonded over the last 6 months because exactly 6 months ago it was a different story!  Lizzie's trainer, Aaron Vale called us after a trip to Europe and said, "I really think you should buy this horse for Lizzie"  We watched a video of Z, Lizzie wasn't overly impressed but we trusted Aaron and made Z a member of the van der Walde clan!

Z arrived late last October and came to the November Kentucky show.  Lizzie did a schooling class on him and it was a disaster.... I believe her exact words were, "I'm not getting on that horse again."

Z went back to Florida with Aaron and spent the winter in training.

Lizzie and Z were successful during the Ocala Winter Circuit and are starting off the summer show schedule with a bang!  They have become great partners and I am hopeful that I will have more "bragging" moments.  It's a mom's job after all

Monday, March 11, 2013

Worshipping... I wonder if God is tapping his toes....

Sunday nights are our High School student ministry group.  One hundred + geeky, awkward, cool, athletic, brainiac, artistic high schoolers come to either experience the God they know and love or are curious and want to find out why some students they know LOVE going to church!  

There is hangout time, a talk which is always given in a way that high schoolers can relate to, cool videos used for announcements that the high school pastors, directors and even volunteers participate in.

And then there is music.  Awesome, solid, rockin Christian music!  This isn't your typical hymn music!  I get the pleasure of taking pics of our Worship Team and last night was awesome!  If you didn't know better, you would think you were at a concert.  The lights, the music, the jumping on a speaker by one of the high school musicians... it was a concert alright, a concert for God.  I wondered as I was witnessing this time, if God was up tapping his toe to the beat.  Maybe snapping his fingers and maybe, just maybe, when no one was looking, He stood up and danced!  

Friday, March 1, 2013

Sarah and Ocala horse showing 2013

We love showing during the circuit in Ocala, Florida each year.  It makes leaving the wintery days in Michigan easier!  That being said, it's also much tougher to get qualified in the Equitation classes.  There are anywhere between 45-50 riders in each Equitation class!  For the riders, you have to make every round count!  

So proud of Sarah in this particular WIHS Hunter phase round.  She received a score of 87!  She placed 3rd in that class, 1st and 2nd place received scores of 88 and 89!  She had the WIHS Jumper phase the next day and received a score of 82 which placed her 4th overall with her combined scores!  

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Losing power from a snowstorm and your husband is in Florida...

Anyone who knows us, knows that we, (Eric and I... well, just Eric) take forever in making decisions on most purchases.  And while after 23 years of marriage, I'm completely bought into the "don't make knee jerk purchases", "do your research" program.  Any idea which one of us is the "researcher" and which one is the "knee jerk purchaser"?!!  

Last summer while the girls and I were at a horse show and Eric was home, we lost power.  For like a week and a half.  We lost a lot from our two freezers but Eric also purchased several huge coolers and was our hero caveman!  

We spoke about a home generator and it sounds amazing when you lose power  but then the power returns and you go about your life.

Last month we lost power and it was record low temperatures.  Eric was certain we would freeze to death.  We revisited the conversation about a home generator and he assured me he was going to have people come out and give us estimates.  Keep in mind that our power was restored sooner than they said so hooray for power!!!  

Eric is currently in Florida visiting his parents.  At 5:15am this morning after being hit by the current snowstorm, our power went out..... 

I sent the following text:

Eric told me that he went on to the DTE website and it said our power was to be restored by Friday.  He said that he knew that he was in trouble!  He immediately called a company and I am to expect a phone call after 5pm today from a guy who will be coming out to look at our home about a generator.  

Being in Florida and knowing your wife and daughter lost power from a snowstorm can be a great motivator!  

Whatever it takes!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I wish you...

I wish you days of peace, for there will be many trials in life.

I wish you days of sunshine.  We never realize how much we enjoy the sun until we don't have it.  

I wish you days of trials..... so you will appreciate the peace!

I wish you struggles in life so you will know exactly how strong you are.

I wish you love.... the kind of love you feel when you become a parent.  There are no words to describe it.

I wish you laughter!!  Deep gut laughter and if you almost pee your pants, that's a bonus!

I wish you butterflies in the pit of your stomach when you see that special person.

I wish and hope your Character, Morals and Values will stay firm and grounded in life.  Never jeopardize those.  Once lost, they are so hard to retrieve.

People will remember you for something.  You will always be known as the person who _______________.  

There is a saying, "People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel."

Make it positive.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Photo Shoot

Sarah and Lizzie were asked to be part of a photo shoot for The Skin Bar http://www.dbtstheskinbar.com/ which is a "pod" store for Delicate Beauty Spa http://www.delicatebeautyspa.com

Both which are owned by a friend of mine Nancy Young who is an incredible entrepreneur, esthetician and fitness guru!  She is also my spinning instructor whom I complain bitterly about but couldn't live without!

I'm thankful for our chance meeting, for her friendship and for being such an amazing role model to all three of our daughters!  

If you are in the Ann Arbor area, go to one of her locations!  You won't be disappointed!  And tell her I sent you :)  

Lizzie far left, Sarah far right

Thursday, January 10, 2013

2013 to be a milestone year!! I'm ready! I think...

2013 - The world didn't end... those Mayans!  So now we continue forward with the new year, ready or not!  

I had the realization yesterday as I was cleaning, meal planning, laundry (sitting on Facebook) that 2013 is going to be monumental for our family!

Emily turns 21 this year.

Sarah graduates high school, will be traveling to the University of Michigan for college (approximately 5 miles from our home) and will turn 18.

Lizzie will turn 16.

The one bummer about all of this is that Eric and I turned 50 last year!  Can you even imagine the excitement if we would be celebrating our 50th birthday's this year as well?  Dang... had I only planned this better.... :)

Speaking of Lizzie... we went to the DMV to get her drivers permit last night.  I realized how much you change as a parent after each child.  We left the DMV, Lizzie got behind the wheel and said to me, "I'm such a good driver", proceeded to put it in drive instead of reverse and almost hit the pole in front of us.  I laughed and immediately Tweeted about it! That would not have happened with the other two!!  

On another note, Eric will be having knee surgery Monday.  Not a replacement thank goodness!  We are hoping that he will be as good as he was at 48!  One can only hope!  I'm feeling some pressure because I will be taking him to the hospital... (thank goodness for free WIFI so I can document his day), and cooking which will be added to my usual routine of... well, making the coffee, eating breakfast that Eric made for me, starting my job as researcher for Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, working out, having lunch with friends and getting my nails done.  I know, I know... it's a lot of pressure but I'm feeling up to the challenge!!  Don't worry, it will be well documented on Facebook and Twitter.  

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Losing loved ones.

December 26, 2012   I lost a family friend to liver cancer. He was diagnosed January of 2012.  I went to see Charlie in August, he got tired easily but was still going to work.  It was a wonderful visit but on my drive from Columbus back to Michigan I had time to think about the fact that plans were being made for when he was no longer alive.  I mean, his wife and I talked about this and the things that Charlie wanted to make sure were in place for her, trying to decide if they should sell their home because he didn't want her to have to take care of their large property, etc.  Having the "I probably won't make it to the end of the year" conversation was very real.  I had 3 hours to let this soak in and wondered how I, if given the same diagnosis, would handle it.  Charlie took a hot air balloon ride, walked one of his daughters down the isle and connected with old friends.  I went back to see Charlie December 9th and he wasn't doing very well.  I felt certain that would be the last time I saw him alive.  We didn't think he would make it the week.  I had to be back in Columbus on Dec 17th with Emily and we went to see him again.  He was so proud of my girls when we talked about their riding, Sarah being accepted to colleges and Emily interviewing for Internships.  Before we left, Charlie told Teri that they needed to contact their neighbor who works for Limited Brands and put a good word in for Emily.  That was Charlie, always thinking of others.  That was to be my last hug and last goodbye to Charlie.  He died 9 days later.  Charlie was 57.

January 5, 2012   I just returned home from the viewing of the mother of a friend.  Wendy's mother passed away on Wednesday.  It was very fast.  Wendy saw her mom at 10am Wed morning and she passed away at 11pm that night. I didn't know Wendy's mother but listening to Wendy talk about all the things her mother taught her and her love of horses and the plans they had of doing things together broke my heart.  There was no time to make plans, no time for talking about what you would like to have done with your home, your animals, etc.  It happened so fast.  Wendy is still numb and in shock as anyone would be.  

Death happens, none of us can avoid it.  Will we ever be prepared?  I don't think so, no matter how well we have things in order or how fast it happens, no one if fully prepared for death.  

Hug your kids, your spouse, your parents, your friends.  Stop and listen, really listen when they speak to you.  I find myself half listening if I'm doing something else I think is more important.  Nothing is more important than the relationships we have with those we love.  I have promised myself to be in the moment when someone is talking to me.  I hope you will too.