Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Alessandro Albanese Equestrian Clothing

Everyone that knows us as a family knows that our three girls have grown up competing in the Hunter/Jumper world.  Emily started riding at the age of 5 or 6, (she is now 21).  Sarah and Lizzie were on ponies walking around the ring by ages 3 and 4! Sarah is 18 and Lizzie will be 17 in July!

All the girls have been fortunate enough to qualify and compete in Maclay finals, Medal finals, USET finals and the prestigious Washington International.

We have had many years of purchasing Equestrian clothing for the girls.  We've seen many styles come and go, we did the happy dance when the collarless show shirt came out! Keeping up with the collars for the shirts was enough to drive a mom insane!  Thank you brilliant person that came up with that idea!

I've never written about a favorite line of clothing but I have to give a shout out to Alessandro Albanese and in particular the show shirt Monaco LS.  We saw this shirt at a horse show in Tampa, Florida.  The whole "zipper up the front" was both intriguing and a bit odd.  Lizzie wasn't sure what she thought of it.  She claims I didn't like it at all which is odd because I LOVE it.  She tried it on, I didn't see it on her but she assured me it was great.  Again... the whole zipper up the front of the shirt?!

This has to be one of my favorite shirts.  The material is great, it washes super and it's just classy looking!  It comes with a lovely price tag, and by lovely I don't mean inexpensive. But I think it's worth the price.

Let me know if you get one and what you think!

Follow My Girl Emily!

I love to write/blog/journal. It's such a therapeutic thing to do and I've always encouraged my girls to do the same.  I admit that I don't keep up with it as I should, and I'm always saying I will and fail.  My daughter is blogging and I couldn't be happier! I'm hoping it will keep me accountable!

Emily is a Fashion Merchandising Major with a Minor in Product Development at the University of Georgia and will be graduating in December!  She is currently interning for EvoShield http://www.evoshield.com which is a company based in Athens, Georgia. 

Looking forward to great things in her future!


NFL Draft, Michael Sam and Obama

I will admit that I pay very little attention to football.  I nod on occasion when Eric talks to me about football, it makes absolutely NO sense to me! But he loves it and so I pretend to understand what he is talking about.  

I know the draft happens once a year, I know it's a big deal for many talented individuals. I know that to get to the draft, you have worked very hard and I also know that everyone wants to get drafted in the early stages.  Every single guy there deserves to be praised for being drafted.

But only one guy has stood out.  One out of 223 (I did have to ask Eric those numbers because I didn't have a clue!). Michael Sam. The first openly gay to be drafted in the NFL.  In the seventh round.  Those that went in the first, second, third, fourth, etc.... they all deserved to be congratulated by the President.  The fact that Obama congratulated Sam because he is gay and did not recognize any other person drafted makes me a bit sad.  No "Congratulations to each individual who was drafted, congratulations on your hard work to reach this point and congratulations to Michael Sam and the NFL for drafting the first openly gay player, etc."

Had I been any of the other guys I probably would've been, "Cool, I didn't get a shout out from the President because I'm not gay..." 

I went to lunch with a friend today and there were tv's and I am not exaggerating when I say that I saw the clip of Michael and his boyfriend no less than 10 times.  No joking.... seriously media? I am saying this here and now, that I guarantee you that Michael will be in an interview of sorts soon and he will most likely say, "I just want to be looked at for my ability to play.  I wish people would quit focussing on me being gay." I hope, for his sake, because from what I understand, he is a very talented individual and that people will focus on that.  But while it was a brave thing he did, and something that was very personal to him, being a good football player will most likely be in the shadows and that is sad.  

But again, when the President of the United States singles you out.... 

While I don't know much about football, I do now know of Michael Sam.  Not because of his playing ability, but because of his sexuality.  

Does this mean we get to go back to students being recognized for their academic abilities and we won't worry about hurting the feeling of those that don't do as well?

Does this mean that we aren't going to worry about making sure that everyone on the little league team gets a trophy? 

Because I tell you, everyone that made the NFL Draft did deserve recognition and didn't get it.....