Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Equestrian Mom 101

I got the pleasure of going to Ocala this past week with Sarah and Lizzie and watched them show.  To say that I'm proud of them is an understatement.  My heart jumps out of my chest when I watch them show.  They've been doing this for years and honestly, it never gets old.  You would think by now that I'd be cool as a cucumber when they enter the ring.  Wrong.  I'm still looking for the person next to me to grab.  I think my best asset is mentally helping them over the jumps!  Sitting in the stands and your body goes up as they go over the jumps!  The best is standing and watching them!  You kick one leg back just a bit as they go over the jump!  I always feel it helps them, at least that's what I'll keep telling myself so I don't feel so dumb!  Although it helps when I'm taking pictures because I have to focus on the picture so I don't move around as much!

Sarah and Lizzie have held their own in Ocala.  The classes are huge, anywhere from 30-50 in each class and they've placed in the top 10, even getting 2nd places in some of the Equitation classes!

I zip from ring to ring in the golf cart, sometimes getting the phone call of "can you go back to the barn and get...." so off I rush, retrieving whatever item was left at the barn.

Just this past weekend, after dashing to a Porta Potty, this thought ran through my head, "You know are a horse show mom when the Porta Potty's no longer bother you!"  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

Sunday it was raining and it was cold and at one point I looked around while at a particular ring and just smiled.  I smiled not because it was rainy and cold, but because I wasn't the only parent all bundled up, hair matted, makeup smeared and muddy waiting for my children to get their two minutes in the show ring!  And once again, so proud of them because while I was cold and wet, they were also cold, wet AND maneuvering a horse around a ring and over jumps!

I'm still trying to get the stains out of their white breeches!

Sarah and Rocky Carr

Lizzie and Ashton

Aaron talking to the girls after the USET

Sarah and Gregor

Lizzie and Onno Z

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