Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happy 17th Birthday my Sweet Sarah!

To our sweet Sarah!

infamous "dog" shirt
Seventeen years ago today, at exactly 1:49pm, you came into this world and our lives have never been the same!  You've been a determined child since birth!  Lifting your head up at just a few days old, walking at 7 1/2 months and running as soon as you put it all together!  Refusing to sleep in your crib, but preferred the floor, your crib was apparently only used for book reading..... refusing to take off your "doggie" shirt for days on end,

the crib was merely a playground
 to figuring out how to maneuver yourself out of your car seat at the age of 19 months as I'm driving down the highway, scaring me to death and laughing your head off!  

When we would go to your dad's business functions where families were welcome, your dad's co-workers referred to you as "The WildCat" as you ran non-stop!  

You would get very excited about something and decide to go running to the back of the house, only to run head on into the wood beam in the living room.  Stunned for only a moment, (and I'm sure after the stars cleared from your vision) you took off running again!

with Mrs. Jenkins
 As soon as you were allowed, age wise, I enrolled you in Montessori school where you were able to learn and grow at your pace, which was rapidly!  The bond you developed with your teacher Mrs. Jenkins, will forever be a special relationship.  We are thankful for her and the care and patience she took with you.  

"Party Time" & Grandparents
You soon caught the horse bug and what an incredible journey that has been!  Our girl who only wanted to do Hunters, not Jumpers because they "go too fast" went on to be the 2011 NAL Child Jumper Champion!  You've turned into quite the natural when it comes to horses and we continue to love watching your ride!  

The most important man in her life next to Eric!
Her trainer, Aaron Vale
"Queen of Hearts"
"DaSilva's Amore"
First of many wins!

You have been trying to get Lizzie's affections for many years!  With only 19 months separating you two, you have your own special bond and although you fight a lot, I know you also hold each others secrets close to your heart.

 We love watching the two of you and your relationship even with the ups and downs of it all!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

USET Finals 2012

It's been several years since we've been to USET finals.  Sarah qualified for the first time and I was thrilled because it is by far, my favorite finals to attend.  It is held at the USET Headquarters in Gladstone, NJ and where the US Olympic team practiced for many years.  Such history at this place.  

I know I'm being biased when I say this, but Aaron has the best guys that work for him.  Trey and Abel drove I believe 18 hours, leaving Thurs afternoon and arriving at 5am Fri morning to drop Lizzie's horse off at a layover farm and then on to USET.  We arrived Friday afternoon and had a warm up class.  We went to dinner, headed to the hotel and they were up and gone by 5am the next morning!  Abel takes care of our horses and the pride he has is off the charts.  He said some of the other guys were asking him what he does to get the horses so clean and shiny!

Abel and Gregor

 Both Trey and Abel were there to do whatever needed to be done!
Trey and Abel

 Going over some last minute details before heading into the ring.
Aaron Vale and Sarah

 Working on the flat.  Judges Karen Healy and Robert Ridland in the background.
Sarah and Gregor

Sarah and Gregor

 The jumping section.  Sarah started out strong, and her first seven jumps were unbelievable!  Then they headed to the open water.  Going strong with much determination, they got right to the open water and Gregor planted his feet.  It was a dirty stop which is unusual for him.  He had just jumped the open water on Friday but on Sunday, he wasn't having it.  Obviously a sad moment but as we sometimes say, "that's horse showing for you."  You can be on top of the world one minute, and on the bottom the next!  It's a very humbling sport!  As the mom, obviously the wins are better than the defeats.  I hate to see my girls sad, upset, frustrated, etc but I also realize that these are all life's lessons.   Life doesn't promise us things won't go terribly bad.  It does promise us, however, there will be another chance.  We are heading to Harrisburg for Medal finals and then Maclay finals!  Life is good.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Weekly Meal Planning

I told Eric I would do the meal planning and grocery shopping.  As I sat at the kitchen table with recipes surrounding me, I thought to myself, "This is great!  I'll do this, Eric will cook and our love will grow even more!"  

That was last week.  It's now Saturday and I'm a bit anxious because I know that I need to have next weeks meals planned by tomorrow so I can go to the grocery store Monday morning......

I'm pretty sure our love is strong enough....

Last weeks meal plan

I should probably put on my happy face and get the recipes out and start planning!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A New School Year Already?

Still my favorite picture of my girls

Excuse me while I sit in a big heap of laundry and cry!  And as I look at my blog, June was the last time I posted anything.  Trust me, this should not imply that my life has been boring in any way.  Quite the opposite in fact.  But more on that later.

Another new school year.  Makes me happy and sad at the same time.  Emily is a Junior at the University of Georgia, Sarah is a Senior, Sarah is a Senior, Sarah is a Senior.  I feel like if I say it enough times, it will sink in.  And Lizzie is a Sophomore.  

Emily stayed in Athens this summer which meant that we saw her a total of a week the entire summer.  This was split into two visits.  This was probably God's way of preparing me for the inevitable.  Little does he know (but really, of course he know, he's God.... ) that no amount of preparation will be enough.

With the start of each school year, we all make new goal, kind of like the New Year.  My goal is to make healthier snacks for the girls..... wow, typing that sounds really kind of lame but in my mind it's fabulous!  

I want to be more organized and prepared for Sarah's last year of high school and her grad party, etc.  I think with Emily I spent the entire school year in denial and not believing the little girl who stood in the kitchen and looked me in the eye and said, "Mom, I plan on going away to college....."  I was more numb her Senior year, one of the unfortunates of being the oldest, now I've learned!!  Bonus for Sarah and Lizzie!  Sorry Em!!

And as I say each year and it never happens, but I feel compelled to say it anyway..... my goal is to be more organized in my home!!  I'd love to be able to keep "my office" (ha!) "the room off the living room" door open at all times. As we speak, the door stays shut, if one must use the printer, you go in, stay on the only visible path on the floor, copy and leave.  Shutting the door as you leave.

It's no wonder I never complete things.  As I sit here typing, I keep thinking of the things I need to do.  Flights and hotels I need to book, things I need to get to the dry cleaners and then Sarah says, "Can you bring me Sushi today?"  

The saga continues..... and I love every minute of it!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Spinning Class/Body Pump Class

If you've been hiding under a rock, you've missed the 150 posts where I've referenced to turning 50 this year.  Because of this number, it has motivated me to get "Fit".  I want to mention that I've been "fit" in the past, working out during all three pregnancies and after but somewhere...oh, 5 or so years ago I just stopped.  Why?  Who knows.  I'm certain that at some point the thought ran through my head of, "Sharon, you look great, you've got super genes, stop working so hard, you'll be fine."  I'm convinced the Devil is real because this is the biggest load of garbage I've ever processed!

I decided to take a Spinning class that my friend Nancy was teaching.  I figured, what the heck, you sit on a bike (it's not running!) and really, how hard can it be?  AND I've heard many people say that they were in the best shape of their life from spinning classes.  Sign me up!  I'm not getting any younger!

First class:  I honestly wanted to kill someone, mainly myself.  I kid you not, I could BARELY walk down the stairs to get to my car!  Sarah and her friend Haley were with me and as God is my witness, I believe there were tears getting down those stairs.  Waking up and getting out of bed the next morning.... I would give birth all over again than experience what I did that day!  I needed to go upstairs for something and I kid you not, trying to get down the stairs was horrible.  I sat down and scooted.  The day after was class again.  There were a couple of things going through my head at this time 1) Just stop, don't go.  Who cares?  2) Sarah and her friend were going, how could I not? 3) My friend Nancy teaches the class and well, she's a fitness beast and really, I'd be a loser if I didn't go!

I went and continued my twice a week classes for two sessions and have LOVED every minute of it!  LOVE IT!  

Nancy doesn't teach spinning during the summer so as I was looking at the classes I noticed a Body Pump class that was on Mon and Wed mornings from 9-9:50am which was a perfect time for me!  I was talking to Nancy and told her I was thinking about doing it and she was all excited for me and I was like, "Do you think I can do it?"  (like a little kid!) and she said, "Yes it's a great class!  Who's the instructor?" Me looking at the sheet, "it says Erin"  I looked at Nancy and she went silent and there was a look of "oh crap."  Me: "What? Do you not think I can do it?" Nancy: "Well, no, I think you can do it and Erin is an amazing instructor.  She's kind of known as a drill sergeant so it's going to be an intense class."  DANG!  Why do I get myself into these situations!!  1) Just don't go!  Don't do it!  You don't know this Erin!  She's probably mean anyway! 2) My friend Nancy's husband owns the business I do the class through, they will know if I don't do it.... 3) Why am I so friendly and become friends with people that own fitness places? 4) I decided that I made a commitment to get healthy so I'm pushing through!

First day of class: Erin is so cute and sweet (don't let that kid you for a minute!) There were probably 8 of us and I kid you not, I know I was (am) over half their age!  I could be their mothers.  My biggest fear is that Erin is going to make us run and I'm going to wet my pants.  I absolutely hate running.  So we're all standing there and Erin says, "ok, everyone run 3 laps to warm up".  What the....... I'm dead.  Why on earth did I even think I could do this?  Who cares if I'm 50 and out of shape?!  Bring on the ice cream!  But I ran... and I do all the stations and yes, I was so sore for a few days because Erin makes us work practically EVERY muscle in our bodies!  And the best part is that the girls are so encouraging!  Everyone motivates each other as we are running because honestly, when we run, I have visions of just running to my car and leaving!  So they do help to keep me focused and stay!  At the end Erin says, "ok let's do sit ups"  I could do 3.... yes 3 on my own!!  Erin came over and held my feet so I could keep going as I was struggling to get that 3rd one!!  It was great and now I do 10 of those with ease (well, ease might be stretching it) and then move right into other ab workouts.  So we start with running and end with ab work and lots of workout stations in between and I have to say, I love it.  I had to miss last week as we were driving to a horse show and I looked at the clock, it was 9:15am and said to Eric, "Do you think they miss me in class?"  He said he was sure they did!  

I'm adding the link to B Young B Fit because it's just a great place!  Brian, the owner trained Emily when she was home last summer and now trains Sarah and Lizzie.  They all love him!  Not only is he great at his job but he gives them life advice as well.  I love the relationship they have formed with him and I'm pretty sure he gets a kick out of them as well!!  If you are looking for a place, please check them out!  


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Letter to my graduating senior.

The first question I have is, "how did we get here so fast?"

I swear it feels like last week when your dad and I brought you home from the hospital.  I remember looking at you and thinking that this moment would last forever and you would stay wrapped up in a blanket in my arms.  I'm not quite sure how 18 years literally flew by but it did.  

I had read that when your child reaches their Senior year in High School, they become, at times, hard to live with. They are trying to separate themselves and to assert their independence.  I read that this transition makes going off to college easier on the parents!  This is a true statement to some degree!

Please know that I am so happy for you and I'm so excited for this new chapter in your life!  My brain knows this but my heart feels something different.  

I will try and explain what is going on inside my head and heart.  In my head I know that this is the next step in life and you are going to grow on many levels.  When you complete your first year of college, you will be a different person than you are now.  You will understand this in time.  In my head I know that you are going to have challenges and there will be decisions you are going to have to make on your own and this is a part of growing up.  In my head I know that you will probably fall on your face a few times and have to get up and figure it out on your own and that this too, is part of life.  

Here is what is happening in my heart:

Every time you leave for school, I know it's one day closer to graduating and another day closer to college.  I want time to slow way down.

I realize that it's your last dance, or prom or homecoming and I just want to cherish that moment.  So if I tell you that I want to take more pictures, don't get mad, please know that I'm savoring the moment and I want to be able to look at the pictures over and over and over.

I know that you are over the edge excited about leaving for college but know that when you say, "I can't wait for my freedom!", while my head says, "it's ok, it's normal", my heart feel something different.

Your senior year, in particular is very emotional for me.  While I am planning for your Graduation, Grad party, College, etc., I will have more moments of reminiscing.  If you walk into a room and I'm sitting quietly looking through old things of yours, don't think this is silly or dumb.  Come sit with me and let's look through it together.  If I get a bit emotional, give me a hug and try to remember that you've been under my roof for 18 years and it's been my job to raise you, to take care of you and yes, prepare you for this time.  While I've been busy preparing you for this time, I've forgotten to prepare myself.  But I feel that as a Mom, we are not ever prepared.  

I will talk more about when you were a baby, toddler, young child.  Don't think this is silly or dumb but understand that my heart is wanting to go back to those moments and sit a while longer.  

I will cry.... a lot.  Don't take this as all bad.  I will be crying because yes, I am so incredibly sad that I blinked and you were off to college but I will be crying because I'm happy for you!  I'm happy for your accomplishments and I'm happy for the person you are and for what lies ahead for you.  

If I walk into your room and sit on your bed, welcome me.  Talk to me about your day, your thoughts, your fears, your joys.  Remember that for me, I know that when you are off to college, I won't be able to do this.  My heart needs this.  Our relationship will be better because of it.

Remember the things we taught you when you are faced with challenges because there will be bigger ones in college.  Remember your morals, your values and your integrity.  Hold on to those.  Remember that you ALWAYS have a choice.  Remember that the choices you make can and will be positive or negative and you determine that outcome.  Take responsibility for your choices.   Pray.  Don't blame others. Pray.  Look past the moment.  Pray.  Be a leader.  Pray.  Be a friend.  Study.  Study some more.  

Because of the internet, much of what you do will be posted in some social media.  Choose wisely.  Ask yourself, "Do I want this showing up in a few years?"  "How do I want others to perceive me?"  "Do I want a potential employer to see this?" "Do I want my grandma to see this?"  "Do I want my high school pastor to see this?"  Think before you post!  You will thank me, I promise!

Most of all, have fun and enjoy these years because as you will see, they will fly by all too fast!  You will make lifelong friends during your college years.  You will have some amazing opportunities come your way.  Enjoy them!  Take advantage of them!  


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sarah's Jr/Sr Prom 2012

Sarah and Jake

We have just completed our second prom as the parents of daughters!  I never realized what a production prom is!  You don't just get a dress and a new pair of shoes anymore.  On some levels, I felt as if we were preparing for her wedding day and since this obviously wasn't, I can only imagine what that day will be like!

Here is some of what goes into "Prom"

"The Dress" - And when I say "the dress", I mean hours of shopping is spent on this.  Store after store, dress after dress..... I will say that Sarah and some of her girlfriends did this legwork and I was called in to view the "chosen" few and hopefully take a lucky dress to the register!  After the chosen three were tried on and I was having a heart attack over the price of the "most beautiful dress I've ever tried on" while her friends and the store clerk were looking at me..... All the while in my head I'm thinking, "this dress will be worn ONE time... ONE TIME and never to be seen again!  This is insane!  I cannot allow this to happen!" I had a price in my head that I thought was reasonable to pay for a dress that would be worn ONE time and this dress was way above that amount.  I felt myself starting to sweat..... So I say, "Sarah, this dress is more than I had planned on spending" The room got silent.... (remember, this is prom, not her wedding).  The sales clerk leaves and returns to say, "that dress is on sale".  I kid you not, when we got to the register, it came to EXACTLY the amount I had in my head!  

"The Dress"

"The Shoes"

Let's not forget hair, make-up and spray tan.  Appointments made for all a month and a half in advance!  I will forever be grateful for Erin and Lydia, two of Sarah's friends who met her at her hair appointment and then went to her makeup appointment, came to the house and helped her get dressed and literally I think enjoyed the day of preparation as much as Sarah did!  That they shared this special day with Sarah meant a lot to her!  

Erin, Sarah and Lydia

Erin, Sarah and Lydia

The Chosen Date:  Meet Jake Fowler!  

Jake and Sarah have known each other for several years through church.  Jake is a year older and I will say, one of the greatest young men I know!  He doesn't know a stranger, personality to the max and just an overall solid guy.  I knew that they would have a fantastic time!

The normal "pinning on the boutonniere" pictures!  Trying of course not to stick Jake with the pin!

Sarah didn't know, but Eric was letting Jake drive them to prom in his BMW.  I wonder if Eric was giving him the "rules" along with that handshake!

Jake and Eric

Sarah's best friend in high school is Haley Menzies.  They both looked stunning that night and I love that years from now they will look back on pictures and be filled with fun memories!

Sarah and her best friend Haley Menzies

Of course you can't go to prom without pictures with your siblings and your parents!  

Lizzie, Sarah and Emily

Myself, Jake, Sarah and Eric

I will say that when all was said and done and when Sarah walked down the stairs, she was breathtaking.  Absolutely stunning.  I know she's my child and I'm obligated to say that, but believe me when I say, she looked like a princess! 

I'm forever thankful to have these moments with my girls.  I treasure them and I don't take them for granted.  

Equestrian Mom 101 : Lizzie's first Hunter Derby

This was our first time at the Georgia International Horse Park located in Conyers, Georgia.  The grounds were nice, the rings were easy to get to from one to the other and there was free wifi throughout the horse park! Bonus!  

Since Lizzie was already qualified for Maclay and Pessoa Hunt Seat Medal, she asked Aaron if she could do the Hunter Derby.  He said, "sure".  There was a first round and they took the top 12 to come back for a second round.  There were 25 in the class and Lizzie was going 23rd.  She studied the course, watched rounds before hers and when it was her time to go, she looked confident.  She ended up 12th in the first round which meant she was first to go in the second round!  She rode beautifully in both rounds and was happy with how she did.  In the second round, there was a trot jump that Ashton didn't stay with the trot but overall, for her first Hunter Derby at the age of 14, we were all quite proud!  Ashton, (App For That) is an amazing horse and we look forward to watching them compete in the years to come!

Hunter Derby
(click on above to watch video)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"That's Why I'm Here": The Chris and Stefanie Spielman Story

I just finished watching Chris on Fox & Friends talking about his newly released book.   I will forever consider it a true blessing to have known Stefanie for 12 short years.  I met Stefanie when we moved to Columbus, Ohio.  I joined a women's group that raised money for the Children's Hospital.  I believe it was 2-3 months after we joined this group that Stefanie was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  

I don't want to take anything away from the book and I'm not saying this because I know Chris and was friends with Stefanie but YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!  I don't even like football (sorry Chris) and I enjoyed reading those parts!!  

Stefanie died the day after mine and Eric's 20th wedding anniversary.  We were in Mexico celebrating when I got an email from a friend saying she had passed.  I will never forget the plane ride home, it was at night and I was in the window seat.  I had my eyes closed and I was praying for Chris, for their children and knowing that she was no longer in pain, I felt a calmness and a vision came into my mind of Stefanie wrapped in God's arms and I heard very clearly, "Job well done my faithful servant, job well done"  That moment will stay with me forever and I'm thankful for knowing Stefanie.  

Chris Spielman on Fox & Friends

Link for the book:


And if you are on Facebook, simply search Chris Spielman and "Like" his page.  You will be encouraged on a daily basis.  

Live each day as if it were the last one you are given.  We all fall short of this.  Love others, show kindness, lend a hand.  Offer encouraging words, be a positive example and think, "how do I want others to remember me?"

The bible verse Stefanie held on to:

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Thank you Stef for your friendship, thank you Chris for sharing so much of your life.  

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Daughters, My Life.

Our fabulous daughters Sarah, Emily and Lizzie

We were fortunate to all be together at the SEC Competition in Athens, Ga.  It was fun to watch the girls.  It had been 4 months since we'd all been together for Christmas and Sarah and Lizzie got to have some one on one time with Emily.  I know they each appreciated their time.  

Emily said to me a couple of times, "I forgot how funny they are!"

As sisters, they will have a bond that I will never fully appreciate (having 4 brothers!).  I know they know things about each other that Eric and I will probably never be privy to which is fine!  I'm sure one of these days, years from now sitting at the Thanksgiving dinner table, we will hear conversations of "remember when...."

A sister smiles when one tells one's stories - for she knows where the decoration has been added.  ~Chris Montaigne

More than Santa Claus, your sister knows when you've been bad and good.  ~Linda Sunshine

Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other.  ~Carol Saline

Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring - quite often the hard way.  ~Pamela Dugdale

Sisters annoy, interfere, criticize.  Indulge in monumental sulks, in huffs, in snide remarks.  Borrow.  Break.  Monopolize the bathroom.  Are always underfoot.  But if catastrophe should strike, sisters are there.  Defending you against all comers.  ~Pam Brown

We know one another's faults, virtues, catastrophes, mortifications, triumphs, rivalries, desires, and how long we can each hang by our hands to a bar.  We have been banded together under pack codes and tribal laws.  ~Rose Macaulay

She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities.  She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway.  She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark.  She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink.  Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child.  ~Barbara Alpert

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hello Flu....

I'd like to start by saying that I will be 50 this year (I promise this has nothing to do with that!) and I've NEVER had a flu shot.  Nope, don't need it.  When I came home from taking Sarah to the doctor this afternoon, I told Eric that I would be standing in the flu shot line!!

This is how our last several days have gone:

 Lizzie runs 102* fever all day

 Sarah wakes up, says she doesn't feel well.  I took her temperature and it was 100.4*.  To top it off, she was taking the ACT test.  Eric and I look at each other..... Sarah says she will go.  She has been taking the online prep class and taking prep tests and had been gearing up for this day!  We pump her up with meds, give her some and to take and tell her the exact time to take them.  I drop her off and watch as she shuffles to the room.  It was 7:30am.  At 12:40pm, she calls and says she is done and feels terrible.  When I pick her up, she proceeds to tell me that she threw up three different times...... yes, you read that right.  I about died, I felt so bad for her.  First of all, I would have thrown the pencil in after the first time throwing up!!  No way would I have stayed which really says a lot about the two of us.  She is clearly better than me!  
Lizzie woke up, came downstairs to the kitchen and Eric said the next thing he knew she was passed out on the floor!!  (This took place while I was taking Sarah to the ACT)  He got her up and got her upstairs..... what the heck!  But I have to tell you, miracles do happen!  There was a school dance that night and God healed her.  I'm certain that all of her friends being there had nothing to do with it..... I did bring her Panera home for lunch and I think that was actually what healed her.  And with the cost of items at Panera, it better have!  She felt 100% better after eating Panera!  We let her go to the dance for 2 hours.
When Sarah got home, she went straight to bed.  That is where she stayed until Sunday morning!

Lizzie felt much better but has a persistant cough
Sarah still feels bad and achy but got caught up on A LOT of TV!

Lizzie goes to school coughing....
Sarah goes to school for an hour and comes home

Tuesday (today)
Lizzie goes to school still coughing
Sarah goes to school for an hour and comes home.  We go to the doctor this afternoon.  They rule out mono as she doesn't have the symptoms.  They did a quick strep test and it was negative but they will send it to culture.  Looks like the flu bug is the winner!!!  

In the meantime, I've been pumping myself and the girls up with Esberitox which is basically a supercharged Echinacea!  Get some!!  

Here is another thing I've found out.  These kids drink after each other at school!  From their water bottles!  Gross!!  Germs, germs, germs!  Please tell your children to NOT share their water with their friends!  I don't care if their friend is about the pass out from heat stroke!  Well, that could be an exception.... but then tell your child to not redrink from it!  Ugh!

That's it, we're getting the flu shot....

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I'd like an Easter basket until I have children of my own....

 These words were spoken to me this morning by Emily who will be 20 in July.  

Eric and I were out yesterday and I said we needed to get Easter things for the girls.  

Eric, "Sharon, I think we're past that stage"
Me, "What?  Are you kidding?"
Eric, "Trust me on this one....."

Wow, was he ever wrong! 

 Yesterday when I spoke with Emily she asked if we'd sent her an Easter basket.  (Why can't they ever ask Eric these things?!)  When I told her we didn't, you would've thought I had told her that we were no longer going to pay for her college.  And of course, I felt terrible!  So I said, "Remember the cute purse and things I brought you the weekend I saw you in Texas?  Let's pretend that was your Easter gift!"  That was last month and she didn't go fall for it, but it was worth a try!

This is the text I got from Lizzie this morning.  She spent the night with her girlfriend Alex.

  She got a bucket of candy and a gift card to Starbucks.  I did add "brat" as my next text!

This is what we got Sarah and Lizzie:

Moral of the story:  Don't EVER think you are past the stage of Easter baskets.  

This cute solid milk chocolate bunny.... not quite as exciting.  Even when they are in college, they will forever be kids at heart!  My words to Eric this morning, "This will never happen again....."  

Question from Lizzie when I handed her the chocolate bunny, "Was this in the basement from last year?"  For the record, the answer was NO!

I transferred money into Emily's account to pay for Easter brunch with her girlfriends at school.  It wasn't the cute basket of goodies but she did appreciate it!  

Lesson learned.  Some things you just don't outgrow.... until you have children of your own!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Eric replaces the garbage disposal

It's Good Friday and we've been to church so I'm counting on some extra Grace because Eric has decided to replace the garbage disposal.  Anyone who knows Eric, knows that things like this are NOT his strong suite.  To give you an example of how bad it usually is, Sarah and Lizzie went to the mall when he started.....

When he got into the car with his Heavy Duty Motor, Multi-Grind, Sound seal disposal, he informed me that there was a sign that read, "Disposal replacement $110 per hour"

Eric, "Now don't get me wrong, I'm no professional but I did watch the video and it took the guy 5 minutes.  Who would pay $110 for 5 minutes?  And I'm not saying it will only take me 5 minutes but that's ridiculous!"

Just for the record, he started at 5:07pm.  I'll let you know when he is done....

Eric, "I think I should turn the TV on"
Me, "To drown out the cursing?"
Eric, "yes"


50 minutes in, the old one is out, the new one is trying to be installed....

Eric, "Gosh!  In the video he just popped it back in!"
*back to watching video again.

I am happy to report that at 6:11pm the new disposal is in and working!!  No cussing and very little annoyance!  

I would say that if you need help replacing a disposal to call, but I think that might be pushing it!!  Baby steps!

I love my husband!

SEC Equestrian weekend

The 2012 SEC's was held in Athens, Georgia at the University of Georgia.  The three teams competing were Auburn, Univ of S. Carolina and Univ of Georgia.  The Dawgs ended up 2nd after the weekend was done.  It was an exciting, sitting on the edge of your seat competition and in the end, we couldn't pull out the win.  Hopefully this loss will make the girls hungry for Nationals which will be next weekend in Waco, Texas.  There will be some tough competition for Georgia but staying focused and strong, the team can pull off another National title!  Best of luck to everyone next weekend!

The highlight of the weekend, of course, is spending time with Emily.  Time spent with this wonderful young lady never gets old.  Our family was together for a weekend, sisters spent precious time together and Sarah even cleaned Emily's bathroom!  Sarah truly proved her love for her sister by doing this... not sure I would've tackled that bathroom!

I am continually thankful for each of these young ladies and what they bring to our life!  I wouldn't trade a single moment so far and I look forward to many more moments that will continually shape who we are and who we will become.