Friday, May 29, 2015

Slowly retiring from my full-time job...

                                    Job Description: MOM

Duties: Anything and everything, things you knew you could do and things you had no idea you were capable of doing, things that make you laugh and things that make you fall to the floor in a pile of goo and cry.

Length of employment: Forever

I joined the workforce of MOM in 1992.  I took on additional jobs in 1995 and 1997.  This is the hardest job I've EVER had.  Seriously, the hardest.  So hard that I wish I had added more jobs to my resume.  (There has to be a little crazy in there somewhere to keep adding on job after job!) 

I have been fortunate to work full time at my job. But my full time job has been fading into part time over the last few years.  I've seen it coming, the writing on the wall.... your jobs start to be taken over by themselves.  You know that's how it should be but you really want to keep your full time job.  I mean come on, no one knows this job the way I do right?! How can this job have any idea what it takes to see it through the day?! And yet, it does....  or it doesn't and the job will now have it's own growing pains and learning curves.

I have mixed feelings of heading into semi-retirement. The freedom that comes with it feels exciting yet scary and at times I feel bad about being excited!! Sometimes I feel like we should get more dogs. I've mentioned this to Eric on several occasions and he walks out of the room.... The scary part is that sometimes I feel like our "jobs" will no longer need us when the reality is that they do, and they will.  It will just be on a whole new level.  

I'm choosing to embrace the joy that will come from being an empty nester.  I'm wanting to go from room to room purging and this makes Eric very nervous... In truth, I've been purging over the last year and I do it when he is out of town! The amount of "stuff" accumulated over the years is mind boggling! We have some boxes in the basement labeled "LAKE HOUSE" that I swear to you has been there for 10+ years. I'm guessing that when the day comes that I get my lake house, I will not want what is in those boxes... 

Our youngest is graduating high school in one week. ONE WEEK!!! CRAP! So much to do!!! And yet I sit here procrastinating... or maybe I've realized that everything will get done and it will all be fine.  Nope... procrastinating for sure... but as usual, when I get so overwhelmed with what needs to be done, I just sit because I can't decide what to do first. The washing machine just beeped that it's done, there is a pile of clothes in a chair that needs to be folded, there are rooms that need to be cleaned because we have company coming into town starting Sunday!!!  And yet, I sit here... The reality is that I will shove things in unused rooms/closets and shut the door and say to myself, "I'll do all that after the kids leave for college" 

Oh and if you need me, I'll most likely be looking at pictures and getting all emotional, because it's just what I do....