Saturday, February 18, 2012

Am I A Closet Christian?

I've often wondered this.  Do I talk about God when it feels "safe"?  When I'm around other Christians?  I have wondered if an Athiest wanted to chat with me about this so called "God", could I do it?  Do I know enough? Am I good enough?  Am I strong enough?  

I have found that for me, I would hope my actions speak louder than words.  I am a believer in paying it forward.  I believe in helping those that WANT to help themselves but they can't.  I believe in helping the young couple starting out in their marriage, especially when they remind me of Eric and I when we started our life together, and seeing the determination in their eyes.  I believe in listening when God places a family on my heart and a dollar amount, handing it to them and hearing, "We just had some car trouble and weren't sure how we were going to pay for it".  I believe in finding out about the single mom who won't be able to provide Christmas for her two children, putting money in an envelope and having someone give it to her.  I believe in mentoring and praying that I can make a difference in someone's life.  I believe in doing what is right, sometimes that doesn't mean it will be easy.  I believe in honesty, which I know I haven't always been.  I believe in trying my very best to be a good example to my daughters.  I know I've failed miserably at times but I hope that one day, they can look back and see that there was more good than bad.  I believe that children should face hurt, anger, disappointment, happiness, boredom, etc.  I believe that thanking God for the hard times is just as important as thanking Him for the good times.  The good times are just easier to be thankful for!  

My hope is that I'm not a Closet Christian.  My hope is that people can see God through me through my actions.  Do I even fail at this?  Absolutely.  Do I at times do or say something and then think, "wow, maybe that should've stayed in the closet"  But, I know that this is how we grow and how we learn and the beauty is that everyone fails.  Everyone falls on their face.  I'm thankful for second, third, fourth... chances.  I'm thankful for a God who loves me unconditionally even with my garbage.  I'm thankful that I've been forgiven.  I'm thankful for the opportunity to "pay it forward" to others.  

While I might not know the Bible from beginning to end and have many questions, I'm thankful for the opportunity to learn.  You won't ever see me standing on the street preaching (totally NOT my gift) but we all have our gifts and I believe mine is doing my best to Walk the Talk.  Can people know I'm a Christian by how I act?  How I treat others?  Do people know my heart?  I hope so.  I hope I continue to get phones calls that say, "I need you to pray for me". I think that is the best compliment one could get.  Having someone ask you to pray for them or someone they know or a situation, and that someone isn't in your inner "Christian" circle.  I like to pretent God and I high five on those moments!  Me jumping as high as I can with my hand in the air!!

I'll close with my favorite verse, Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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