Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Equestrian Mom 101

I got the pleasure of going to Ocala this past week with Sarah and Lizzie and watched them show.  To say that I'm proud of them is an understatement.  My heart jumps out of my chest when I watch them show.  They've been doing this for years and honestly, it never gets old.  You would think by now that I'd be cool as a cucumber when they enter the ring.  Wrong.  I'm still looking for the person next to me to grab.  I think my best asset is mentally helping them over the jumps!  Sitting in the stands and your body goes up as they go over the jumps!  The best is standing and watching them!  You kick one leg back just a bit as they go over the jump!  I always feel it helps them, at least that's what I'll keep telling myself so I don't feel so dumb!  Although it helps when I'm taking pictures because I have to focus on the picture so I don't move around as much!

Sarah and Lizzie have held their own in Ocala.  The classes are huge, anywhere from 30-50 in each class and they've placed in the top 10, even getting 2nd places in some of the Equitation classes!

I zip from ring to ring in the golf cart, sometimes getting the phone call of "can you go back to the barn and get...." so off I rush, retrieving whatever item was left at the barn.

Just this past weekend, after dashing to a Porta Potty, this thought ran through my head, "You know are a horse show mom when the Porta Potty's no longer bother you!"  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

Sunday it was raining and it was cold and at one point I looked around while at a particular ring and just smiled.  I smiled not because it was rainy and cold, but because I wasn't the only parent all bundled up, hair matted, makeup smeared and muddy waiting for my children to get their two minutes in the show ring!  And once again, so proud of them because while I was cold and wet, they were also cold, wet AND maneuvering a horse around a ring and over jumps!

I'm still trying to get the stains out of their white breeches!

Sarah and Rocky Carr

Lizzie and Ashton

Aaron talking to the girls after the USET

Sarah and Gregor

Lizzie and Onno Z

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Am I A Closet Christian?

I've often wondered this.  Do I talk about God when it feels "safe"?  When I'm around other Christians?  I have wondered if an Athiest wanted to chat with me about this so called "God", could I do it?  Do I know enough? Am I good enough?  Am I strong enough?  

I have found that for me, I would hope my actions speak louder than words.  I am a believer in paying it forward.  I believe in helping those that WANT to help themselves but they can't.  I believe in helping the young couple starting out in their marriage, especially when they remind me of Eric and I when we started our life together, and seeing the determination in their eyes.  I believe in listening when God places a family on my heart and a dollar amount, handing it to them and hearing, "We just had some car trouble and weren't sure how we were going to pay for it".  I believe in finding out about the single mom who won't be able to provide Christmas for her two children, putting money in an envelope and having someone give it to her.  I believe in mentoring and praying that I can make a difference in someone's life.  I believe in doing what is right, sometimes that doesn't mean it will be easy.  I believe in honesty, which I know I haven't always been.  I believe in trying my very best to be a good example to my daughters.  I know I've failed miserably at times but I hope that one day, they can look back and see that there was more good than bad.  I believe that children should face hurt, anger, disappointment, happiness, boredom, etc.  I believe that thanking God for the hard times is just as important as thanking Him for the good times.  The good times are just easier to be thankful for!  

My hope is that I'm not a Closet Christian.  My hope is that people can see God through me through my actions.  Do I even fail at this?  Absolutely.  Do I at times do or say something and then think, "wow, maybe that should've stayed in the closet"  But, I know that this is how we grow and how we learn and the beauty is that everyone fails.  Everyone falls on their face.  I'm thankful for second, third, fourth... chances.  I'm thankful for a God who loves me unconditionally even with my garbage.  I'm thankful that I've been forgiven.  I'm thankful for the opportunity to "pay it forward" to others.  

While I might not know the Bible from beginning to end and have many questions, I'm thankful for the opportunity to learn.  You won't ever see me standing on the street preaching (totally NOT my gift) but we all have our gifts and I believe mine is doing my best to Walk the Talk.  Can people know I'm a Christian by how I act?  How I treat others?  Do people know my heart?  I hope so.  I hope I continue to get phones calls that say, "I need you to pray for me". I think that is the best compliment one could get.  Having someone ask you to pray for them or someone they know or a situation, and that someone isn't in your inner "Christian" circle.  I like to pretent God and I high five on those moments!  Me jumping as high as I can with my hand in the air!!

I'll close with my favorite verse, Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Baby girl Lizzie goes to Winter Formal 2012

Our youngest daughter, Lizzie is 14 and went to her first Winter Formal two days ago.  I'm just recuperating from it!  Winter formal is not Prom or Homecoming... just a fancy dance in the winter.  Keep in mind, you do the exact same preparations as Prom or Homecoming, I can't believe the thought of not doing:

-New dress 
-Spray tan
-3 hour "get ready" with girlfriends

would ever enter my mind, and believe me, I'd be lying if I didn't think, "we're doing all this for a dance?"  But how can you not.  These moments will be forever memories and the night went well so thank goodness for good memories!!  

Britni M. and Lizzie

The dress!

We went to Isak's home to take pictures and met his parents who are lovely!  His mom and I had been texting trying to figure out what on earth the plans were and what our role was!  Between Isak's parent and Eric and I, we transported 11 teens to downtown Ann Arbor to eat dinner, the four of us had a lovely dinner while waiting for the kids, and then transported them back to school for the dance!  

Annie, Anna, Maddie, Lily and Lizzie

Isak and Lizzie

Isak and Lizzie

Isak and Lizzie

I know... I know... aren't they stunning?!!  I'm bragging, I know, I can't help it!  Loved seeing our little Lizzie all dressed up and smiling and enjoying the night with her friends!  It makes your heart happy!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Equestrian Mom 101

Being the mom of Equestrian daughters has always been near and dear to my heart.  I tell people that I'm the equivalent to the mom's who have their daughters in beauty pagents at young ages and live vicariously through them!  I love horses, I think they are magnificent animals and the closest I've ever been to competing is being on a trail ride and getting close to the barn and your horse wants to get there first!  Although I'm the one bouncing up and down, shoulders hunched in, holding onto the pommel, praying I stay on!!

People automatically assume since we have three daughters that compete Nationally, either Eric or myself rode growing up.  This couldn't be farther from the truth!  Horses actually scare me.  Yes, they really do.  I go into full panic mode if one of the girls asks me to hold their horse while they walk the course.  I make sure they know that if for any reason the horse starts doing anything crazy, I'm immediately letting them go... run away!!  The typical reaction from them is (after rolling their eyes of course) "Mom, look at him, he's just standing there, does he look like he's going anywhere?"  What I don't tell them is that in my mind, bad things start happening and the next thing you know they are rearing, etc.   For the record, I've learned to not be anywhere close when it's time to walk the course.  I go directly to the stands and plant myself in a chair, preferably next to a friend that I can squeeze their arm or leg while each girl is on course.  I should follow up with, I've never had anything bad happen while holding their horse, the dramatic effects make for good stories though!

 Emily, who is a Sophomore at the University of Georgia and rides on the Equestrian team there started riding when she was 6.  I was the mom who stood on the side and listened to what the trainer was saying and when Emily would trot by the side I was standing, I'd tell her again, what the trainer had said.  You know, reinforce it because I was certain she wasn't listening.... "keep your heels down", "shoulders back", etc.  Then I decided to take a few lessons..... oh dear.  Let me just say right now that I NEVER said another word to Emily after that (until she got older, but that's another story)!  Helen, the one-eyed horse I was on was fabulous but when she coughed, I just knew she was going to rear.  When she shook, I knew she was going to rear.  Basically, I spent the entire time assuming she was going to rear.  Did I mention Helen was old and had one eye?  Helen wasn't going anywhere, and the trainer was guiding me with a lead rope.  I think I took three lessons and realized I was better off on the ground, writing the checks!

Sarah (a junior in high school) and Lizzie (a freshman in high school) hopped on their first ponies when they were probably 3 and 4 years old!  This was, of course because they were at the barn when Emily was taking her lessons so it was a natural thing to have happen.  Although we did have them do other sports because we didn't want them to get older and say, "I never really liked it but because EMILY was riding, we felt like we HAD to!"  This is too much time, energy and money to have that happen!  By golly Sarah and Lizzie needed to be in love with horses!!

And they are!

I often times feel like I'm their personal assistant.  I make sure their memberships are renewed each year.  I keep track of points for different classes to assure they can make the cut for finals.  And then there is knowing when the cutoff is for each Equitation class because of course, they are all different!  Making sure to secure hotel reservations a year in advance for Finals, making sure entries are in by the deadline because those are all different, etc!  It's a full time job!

I haven't even begun to talk about the number of pictures I take each season.  Don't even get me started on that!!  Yes, I am the mom that pulls out the camera with the huge, white lens.  This year I'm digitally scrapbooking and my goal is to keep it up each month.  I'm going to be more organized with my photos and my personal goal when I take 500 pictures at a show is to ask myself if I really need 20 shots of the same jump.  I mean, they are all good but I think 20 might be overkill.  It's my goal, I'm not saying it's going to happen... one step at a time!!