Monday, July 11, 2011


What a crazy summer this has been!  I knew this summer was going to go fast, I was just hoping for a slower speed!
School ended, horse showing started, Emily’s grad party and then graduation.  Did I mention horse showing?  Em going to UGA for Orientation, horse showing, oh, and more horse showing!  In between all this, volunteering at church which keeps me so grounded.
Taking a step back and seeing changes start to happen in our family relationships, family dynamics, etc.  I saw a shift between Emily with Sarah and Lizzie.  She mentioned to me that she felt that over the summer they were becoming better friends.  They spent more time away from each other this summer and I think that made a big impact as well.  I saw friendship relationships change and grow, going off to college makes you realize and appreciate things in a different way.  I know this is going to sound strange but I think that the hardest part of Em leaving for college was the day that she and Hannah had their last goodbye.  We have often wondered if we should claim Hannah on our taxes — this might give you some idea of the relationship!  I do believe the tears lasted an hour or more and it was heartwrenching.  Change is not always bad, it does make you realize who and what is important in your life.
Another change, Sarah started Drivers Ed!  Wow, that middle, somewhat quiet child will soon have her permit and will be bugging me to drive!!  Sarah and her friend Kristen have enjoyed the summer decorating Kristen’s basement and decided that our TV room needed some changing.  So together they drew a plan and got the IKEA catalog and presented ideas and prices to Eric.  He was quite impressed and when Kristen returns from Italy, our TV room will be transformed!
I had the pleasure of spending some quality time with Lizzie at our last horse show in Kentucky.  With Em in college and Sarah driving, it was just Lizzie and I off to the horse show!  What a great time hanging out with her and watching her master Mallory’s motorbike!  And watching her ride and hearing her little 6 year old voice say to me while watching the jumpers “Mom, I want to do that.  I want to go fast and feel the wind blow through my hair”  And seeing her do it and knowing it’s what she loves!
Ahh changes will happen and we need to embrace it and know that we are along for the ride.  As my friend Christine said to me quoting her mother, “God knows my journey, I’m along for the ride, I am His Soldier” 

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