Sunday, August 24, 2014

Love comes in many forms....

When Lizzie was in 4th grade, that Christmas she said to me, "Mom, I need to buy a Christmas gift for my friend Alex." Alex was her friend from church. So we went to the mall and purchased a gift for Alex. The next year rolls around, and at Christmas Lizzie again says, "Mom, I need to buy a gift for my friend Alex" So we go to the mall and buy this child a gift, who I've never met.... When 6th grade rolls around and Lizzie says, "Mom, I need to buy my friend Alex a Christmas gift", I think to myself, "I should probably meet Alex"!!  I met this freckle faced little girl who just lit up the room when she spoke and smiled! Alex became such a regular part of our family and at times it was hard to know that she wasn't really one of ours! Lizzie has been just as much a part of the Graham family as Alex is a van der Walde! Lizzie has been on vacation with Alex and the two have been to countless concerts and sporting events! 
Somewhere in Middle School

These two have been through the most awkward phases together. They've loved and they've fought. But in the end, they've always been there for each other. 

I can't imagine these two not remaining friends for life.  They will most likely drift, as most friendships do, but I can see them always returning to each other. The safe one.

But I will admit that the most emotion part for me was tonight.  When I arrived at Alex's home for dinner, the eve of her leaving for college.  Eric and I arrive, say our hello's and give out my hugs.  The next thing I know is Alex presenting me with a framed photo of she and I from her Graduation party. 

 I'm holding a sign that reads "2nd Mom".  I start to cry.  I hear Lizzie say, "See I told you she would cry" and then  hear Alex's mom say, "Alex, I told you not to give that to her until the end!"  The words I wanted to speak but knew that I would cry like a baby.... what I wanted to say but couldn't:

"I am so incredibly proud of you Alex.  I'm so proud of the person you are.  I love your heart, your smile, your dedication, your flaws, your mistakes, your accomplishments, the mistakes you will make, the things I know you will accomplish and above all else, I adore the moments spent with you.  I've loved watching you grow into the young woman you are and look forward to watching you mature and grow even more.  I love you like one of my own and I would jump in front of a moving vehicle for you!  Enjoy this next chapter of your life.  Remember that you will have good times and you will have hard times.  You will be on top of the world and you will fall hard.  Remember those that are there to pick you up and the love they have for you! Embrace the moments and always stop to remember them. Cherish the memories and above all else, know that you are loved!" 

Monday, August 18, 2014

It's not every day I'm blown away....

There are few things that take my breath away. My family is one of them. Particularly my girls after they've had their photos taken. Specifically, and most recently, Lizzie.  Our baby, our surprise, our spitting image of her father... our child who is happiest in her bed watching Netflix or in her element on her horses. Our last... she is the one who will make us empty nesters in a year. Oh how I long to hold on tight but knowing I must slowly let go... another piece of my heart while bursting with joy and pride, aches... sometimes a lot. As with both Emily and Sarah, when I scroll through their Senior photos, I cry... well no, I sob... most times I need kleenex. A lot of kleenex! 

Jesse David Green ( has taken each of our girls Senior photos. Jesse and his wife Cali are like family to us! Emily was his 2nd client!! Jesse, Cali and Emily went to church together, attending the same youth group. Yes... Jesse is 22. What the crap??? I know! So much talent in this one person.  He has received countless awards for his photography and he created Mammoth Booth which... ok, if you don't book this for your Grad or Wedding or, well, anything... I won't feel sorry for you!! Mammoth Booth is pretty darn close to God and Family... and Jesse for taking your photos... but the kicker is that if you book him for Mammoth Booth, you have to invite me. Seriously. But don't tell my daughters... they get embarrassed with how much I love this thing and I invite total strangers to have their pictures taken with me! Wow, that sounds a bit creepy.  Ok never mind, just book you party, invite me if you want!! 

So back to Jesse (I tend to focus on me sometimes...)  To see the whole thing, go to and you will see his blog on Lizzie! And seriously, book him. You won't be disappointed. Then you can take me to dinner to thank me! See! It always comes back to me! :) But really... I can't say enough good things about Jesse's work but let his blog speak for itself!