This is one of probably under 5 times I've been in my home by myself. I'm really not good by myself. I know it's good for me and there is a small part of me that enjoys it… for about an hour…. When life is so chaotic, I crave the quiet. Although, as I'm typing this, I've got Pandora on, so you see… I really can't even do "quiet".
Eric has gone to a friends lake house doing guy things like driving around on the frozen lake or some crazy stuff like that.
Emily is in Georgia but never far away, thankful for the phone calls I get as she is going from place to place. I'm blessed she chooses to call me "just because".
Sarah, while in college but only 4.7 miles away. I love that I can pick her up, go to lunch, run her to the mall to get her glasses fixed, drop off an application (yes, she is applying to J.Crew, her favorite store which means that she will be working for her wardrobe if hired!)
Lizzie who is at her school Winter Formal with one of her dear friends Annie. Those two literally crack me up. I love the realness of their friendship and how they truly adore/annoy each other. While others will be with dates, I believe they will look back on this time and be thankful they shared it with each other.
So here I sit. And my first thought is how thankful I am for all that has been given to me. Thankful for the every day challenges that occur. Thankful for the privilege of raising three amazing young ladies and that God chose me to be their mom! Thankful that HE knew the many times I have and will fail as a parent but trusts me anyway! Incredibly thankful for God's grace and knowing that HE knew I needed this time to reflect and be thankful.
It's the unexpected times of being alone that turn out to be some of the best times…..