Can I just tell you... I am that mom who will keep her child home from school because she is sick. But by golly, when it's time to leave for Lexington, Kentucky for Maclay Regionals... we will be in the car, driving our 5 hours and not even blinking an eye. Yep, that's me... my hand is raised.
Anyone who knows what it's like at this level understands the madness of a mom during Indoors. Sure, we are all smiling and being polite to each other but inside.... the words "I hope my child beats your child" are on repeat. Honestly. On repeat. I'm not going to lie. I've been doing this Equitation thing since 2003. I could write a book... or a blog.
As I'm currently sitting at my kitchen table, leaving for Kentucky tomorrow, not even packed, with a sick girl upstairs, who has been running a 101+ fever since yesterday. We have a new friend called the EV D-68, this wonderful virus that is hitting so many and has decided it likes Lizzie. It actually decided to become friends with her over a week ago. I guess it was a bit jealous that she wasn't paying quite enough attention to it so it decided to add a bonus of fever and oh, let's throw in some coughing up of the lungs while we are at it!
We've made not one, but two visits to the doctor. This last one went like this: Dr: "ok so my initial reaction is to wait 24 hours but is there a competition coming up" Me: "yep, we leave on Wednesday" Dr: "ok then, we are starting you on antibiotics just in case"
As if the doctor visit wasn't enough, I've added my own ingredients to the mix with some help from friends who've done these different things that have worked. So I'm of the theory that if one would work, what the hell, let's go for them all! So I'm hitting Lizzie from all angles and by golly, excluding the wine, which is for me.... she will be on her horses and competing on Thursday!
So here's what we've got:
Ok, I have to be honest, while Lizzie was home running a fever, I had to get my hair done.... a mom has to present herself well and trust me, no one wants to see my gray hair poking out at the roots. And let's be honest, it's not how well Lizzie does at Regionals, it's how well the mom's look..... ok I'm kidding. Sort of :)
Dr: "So when is the next competition? Alrighty, antibiotics for you then"
Stopped by Whole Foods to get Lizzie some Chicken Noodle Soup. Walked out with an Essential Oil diffuser. Yep, I could've bought it on Amazon for a fraction of the cost but guess what? We don't have that kind of time. Desperate measures call for desperate purchases... and quite honestly, I feel like a million bucks walking into her room with this magic pot of gold going!!! And yes, I'll be bringing it to Kentucky... my ammunition... :)
Ok so this is for me. Currently having a moment of "You cannot be sick for Regionals!!!!!!!!!!" So this is my medication. Don't judge....
My current mix of "We are throwing the shit at you and you will feel better by Thursday!!" Compliments of Joy....
So here we are. It's 8pm at night and I should probably go pack but my "medication" is kicking in so maybe I'll wait until tomorrow morning!
But in all seriousness, this is the time of the year that these riders have worked hard for. While they are out there riding for their place, we the parents will be in the stands cheering them on. Trying not to puke and squeezing the hand of whichever friend is sitting next to us. Our hearts will be pounding and we will be jumping every jump with them.
Best of luck to every rider, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I'd like all the luck to go to Lizzie! Sorry, it's a mom thing!
I am incredibly blessed to be a MOM! Even with it's ups and downs, the emotions that run rampant with raising three daughters, I wouldn't trade it for anything! I am always reminded of the wise words from my mother in law in raising children, "It's not the 200 times of repeating myself that bother me, it's the 201st that gets me every time." and "you do the best you know in raising them, they become teenagers and you pray a lot!" So true!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
Mom venting post....
I took my 17 year old daughter to the Pediatrician today for this coughing up a lung issue that is hitting every other person with a vengeance right now, which is not the reason for this post.
Here is my encounter when checking her in:
Me: "Checking in Elizabeth"
Lady verifying our records: "I see that we don't have a cell phone for Elizabeth, can we have that? I see we have yours but we want to add hers as well and we would still call you"
Me: "Then why do you need hers?"
Lady: "In case the Dr ever felt like they needed to talk to her directly about anything"
Me: "No, she is under 18, as a parent we are being stripped of too many things when it comes to our children, so no"
Lady: "ok"
So.... I have to tell you that this annoyed the life out of me. What the crap!!!
I have a friend who is an OBGYN and we've had conversations on this and I do get that there are kids who won't say something if their parent is in the room, etc. While I don't like it, I step out. I know that I'm fortunate in that my girls talk to me. I get that not all kids feel they can talk to their parents. I TOTALLY GET THAT!! I've even had a situation where one of my children said, "oh she can stay" and they asked me to leave anyway... so I guess my question is, have we fallen so far in society and is the family unit so drastically dysfunctional that it is the majority of middle school/high school kids that are doing things their parents a) Aren't aware of b) Have not talked to them about c) that clueless??
I get that there are some pretty bad situations out there but I find it hard to believe that those are so great that we now assume every single family is like that... really?
So once your child turn 18, they are on their own, medically, Mom/Dad don't have to be told anything! But they can stay on our insurance until they are 26. And the bonus? We are still expected to pay!! Wow.... if that doesn't give you warm fuzzies, I don't know what else could!
So in our house, if you are over 18 and we are paying for your insurance, you will give them permission to talk to us. Now in all fairness, this is really a no brainer in our home, our girls have no desire to pay for it themselves until forced to! And here is what you don't want to have happen, dear 18 year olds that think they are smarter than their parents.... End up having to use the insurance, not tell your parents and then your parents get a fun statement from the insurance company... ouch....
So that's my rant. As a parent, I feel like there is becoming more of a wedge between parents and children in regards to medical issues. It makes me sad really......
Ok, I'm done.
Here is my encounter when checking her in:
Me: "Checking in Elizabeth"
Lady verifying our records: "I see that we don't have a cell phone for Elizabeth, can we have that? I see we have yours but we want to add hers as well and we would still call you"
Me: "Then why do you need hers?"
Lady: "In case the Dr ever felt like they needed to talk to her directly about anything"
Me: "No, she is under 18, as a parent we are being stripped of too many things when it comes to our children, so no"
Lady: "ok"
So.... I have to tell you that this annoyed the life out of me. What the crap!!!
I have a friend who is an OBGYN and we've had conversations on this and I do get that there are kids who won't say something if their parent is in the room, etc. While I don't like it, I step out. I know that I'm fortunate in that my girls talk to me. I get that not all kids feel they can talk to their parents. I TOTALLY GET THAT!! I've even had a situation where one of my children said, "oh she can stay" and they asked me to leave anyway... so I guess my question is, have we fallen so far in society and is the family unit so drastically dysfunctional that it is the majority of middle school/high school kids that are doing things their parents a) Aren't aware of b) Have not talked to them about c) that clueless??
I get that there are some pretty bad situations out there but I find it hard to believe that those are so great that we now assume every single family is like that... really?
So once your child turn 18, they are on their own, medically, Mom/Dad don't have to be told anything! But they can stay on our insurance until they are 26. And the bonus? We are still expected to pay!! Wow.... if that doesn't give you warm fuzzies, I don't know what else could!
So in our house, if you are over 18 and we are paying for your insurance, you will give them permission to talk to us. Now in all fairness, this is really a no brainer in our home, our girls have no desire to pay for it themselves until forced to! And here is what you don't want to have happen, dear 18 year olds that think they are smarter than their parents.... End up having to use the insurance, not tell your parents and then your parents get a fun statement from the insurance company... ouch....
So that's my rant. As a parent, I feel like there is becoming more of a wedge between parents and children in regards to medical issues. It makes me sad really......
Ok, I'm done.
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