Monday, June 4, 2012

Spinning Class/Body Pump Class

If you've been hiding under a rock, you've missed the 150 posts where I've referenced to turning 50 this year.  Because of this number, it has motivated me to get "Fit".  I want to mention that I've been "fit" in the past, working out during all three pregnancies and after but somewhere...oh, 5 or so years ago I just stopped.  Why?  Who knows.  I'm certain that at some point the thought ran through my head of, "Sharon, you look great, you've got super genes, stop working so hard, you'll be fine."  I'm convinced the Devil is real because this is the biggest load of garbage I've ever processed!

I decided to take a Spinning class that my friend Nancy was teaching.  I figured, what the heck, you sit on a bike (it's not running!) and really, how hard can it be?  AND I've heard many people say that they were in the best shape of their life from spinning classes.  Sign me up!  I'm not getting any younger!

First class:  I honestly wanted to kill someone, mainly myself.  I kid you not, I could BARELY walk down the stairs to get to my car!  Sarah and her friend Haley were with me and as God is my witness, I believe there were tears getting down those stairs.  Waking up and getting out of bed the next morning.... I would give birth all over again than experience what I did that day!  I needed to go upstairs for something and I kid you not, trying to get down the stairs was horrible.  I sat down and scooted.  The day after was class again.  There were a couple of things going through my head at this time 1) Just stop, don't go.  Who cares?  2) Sarah and her friend were going, how could I not? 3) My friend Nancy teaches the class and well, she's a fitness beast and really, I'd be a loser if I didn't go!

I went and continued my twice a week classes for two sessions and have LOVED every minute of it!  LOVE IT!  

Nancy doesn't teach spinning during the summer so as I was looking at the classes I noticed a Body Pump class that was on Mon and Wed mornings from 9-9:50am which was a perfect time for me!  I was talking to Nancy and told her I was thinking about doing it and she was all excited for me and I was like, "Do you think I can do it?"  (like a little kid!) and she said, "Yes it's a great class!  Who's the instructor?" Me looking at the sheet, "it says Erin"  I looked at Nancy and she went silent and there was a look of "oh crap."  Me: "What? Do you not think I can do it?" Nancy: "Well, no, I think you can do it and Erin is an amazing instructor.  She's kind of known as a drill sergeant so it's going to be an intense class."  DANG!  Why do I get myself into these situations!!  1) Just don't go!  Don't do it!  You don't know this Erin!  She's probably mean anyway! 2) My friend Nancy's husband owns the business I do the class through, they will know if I don't do it.... 3) Why am I so friendly and become friends with people that own fitness places? 4) I decided that I made a commitment to get healthy so I'm pushing through!

First day of class: Erin is so cute and sweet (don't let that kid you for a minute!) There were probably 8 of us and I kid you not, I know I was (am) over half their age!  I could be their mothers.  My biggest fear is that Erin is going to make us run and I'm going to wet my pants.  I absolutely hate running.  So we're all standing there and Erin says, "ok, everyone run 3 laps to warm up".  What the....... I'm dead.  Why on earth did I even think I could do this?  Who cares if I'm 50 and out of shape?!  Bring on the ice cream!  But I ran... and I do all the stations and yes, I was so sore for a few days because Erin makes us work practically EVERY muscle in our bodies!  And the best part is that the girls are so encouraging!  Everyone motivates each other as we are running because honestly, when we run, I have visions of just running to my car and leaving!  So they do help to keep me focused and stay!  At the end Erin says, "ok let's do sit ups"  I could do 3.... yes 3 on my own!!  Erin came over and held my feet so I could keep going as I was struggling to get that 3rd one!!  It was great and now I do 10 of those with ease (well, ease might be stretching it) and then move right into other ab workouts.  So we start with running and end with ab work and lots of workout stations in between and I have to say, I love it.  I had to miss last week as we were driving to a horse show and I looked at the clock, it was 9:15am and said to Eric, "Do you think they miss me in class?"  He said he was sure they did!  

I'm adding the link to B Young B Fit because it's just a great place!  Brian, the owner trained Emily when she was home last summer and now trains Sarah and Lizzie.  They all love him!  Not only is he great at his job but he gives them life advice as well.  I love the relationship they have formed with him and I'm pretty sure he gets a kick out of them as well!!  If you are looking for a place, please check them out!